Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Office side flower bed

What a spring! Hot, cold, frost, rain!

Today I wanted to work on my office side ugly flowerbed, than the rain started, but I am stubborn....
It was a nice flowerbed may be 25 years ago, but now there are only overgrown junipers. We removed one side last year and I was only weeding the whole space.

and this is my office side, I'm spending the whole day sitting in my office, looking in computer and through the window beside the screen and see ....nothing..

My neighbor gave me $100 giftcard for home supply store for babysitting, so I spend some for shrubs and mulch, removed an old juniper with a handsaw and planted all of those - 

2 Japanese Pieris Scarlet O’Hara,
Azalea red,
Boxwood (no name, from front yard),
4 small rhododendrons (got mixed may Pink, Rose, Crimson, Lilac, and White),
and 2 hydrangeas.

I am going to post update in a month when everything will established and bloom, may be!

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