Sunday, March 24, 2013

Greenhouse day 2 and gardening under the covers

Days are getting wormer!
I worked 3 hours again and I made rear part of my hoophouse.
There will be no door, only a window later.
Today pipes did not cooperate at all! I spent so much time bending them together!

The plastic was getting dirty, because I had to turn the frame up and down on the beds. I hope the water condensate will clean it later.

My Green under the raw cover are doing good. There is a bok choy.
Redbor kale planted in February.

 Silly komatzuna decided to bolt so I cut the heads off for a salad.
Even overwintered mustard is getting back to life.
I wanted to through them away.


  1. Things are looking good! I've been looking at buying one of those greenhouse kits from Is that what yours is - a complete kit? How difficult is it to put up? I can't wait to get started this spring - if it ever warms up and the snow melts, that is!

  2. Hi!
    I am making it from scratch, it is not a kit, sorry. I can't wait too!
