Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard - 4/5/2012

Today posts are all about greens, and I will use my greens here -

fresh garlic greens, rosemary, onion and chives.

I am very busy with my jewelry business, and can't spend much time cooking? so I like to use slow-cooker.

I have red beans soaked overnight
boiled water,
 I am using boiled water with slow-cooker, and do not have recipe, I just add water to cover all beans and 2 fingers over.
after 3 hr I will add my greens and after 5-6 hr total the beans will be ready for dinner.

Back to work!

 Please look at Robin's blog The Gardener of Eden for the rest of the Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard posts.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! I really need to start using our slow cooker. I only use it once in a great while.
