Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving harvest

Happy Thanksgiving for All of Us!

 The garden is frozen, but the harvest was so good today!

Parsnips are huge! Cant wait to take them.

 Asian radish "Shogoin Globe" from 

First time to grow, first time to harvest!

The description says -
A large, round white daikon with a green neck. It has firm, crispy flesh with a mild taste. Harvest when roots reach 6" diameter. Suited to heavy clay soils. The roots develop mainly above ground; the leaves protect the roots well.
And the rest - celery, carrots, beets (very small this year), greens.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Harvest Monday - August 19, 2013

A lot of greens, kale, tomatoes....
and I saved some of the squashes from vine borers!

Each Monday Daphne’s Dandelions hosts the “Harvest Monday” blog hop. Please visit!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Harvest Monday - July 8, 2013

I got cuces!
Last year I have had a lot of seedlings, but almost no cucumbers, this year I tried different type of plants and places - greenhouse, pots, open raised beds.
And now I can eat them -

 China palace king and strait 8

I also have some of the first banana peppers and last of the garlic scrapes.

Each Monday Daphne’s Dandelions hosts the “Harvest Monday” blog hop. Please visit!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Morning in July's garden

Good Morning!

 My next harvest will be - echinacea flowers and leaves for tea.

 My favorite - sungold!

 Just a weed!

 Second napa set (the first one is on the kitchen table making kimchi)

 All the garlic fall down

 Beets and coriander

Monday, June 10, 2013

Harvest Monday - June 10, 2013

More Strawberry!
I am so happy, yesterday I harvested 2.5 lb

 Dried rose petals for tea

Pickled Asian greens

Each Monday Daphne’s Dandelions hosts the “Harvest Monday” blog hop. Please visit!

Monday, June 3, 2013

First strawberry harvest!

I got strawberries!
First year!
10 berries from last year did not count :)

My everyday greens (lettuce, borago leavesm parsley, cilantro, asian greens) -

I am making green smoothy for breakfast. The recipes are different, I usually use banana, apple or orange, 1 cup of water and a bunch of greens.

Each Monday Daphne’s Dandelions hosts the “Harvest Monday” blog hop. Please visit!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Harvest Monday - May 27, 2013

3 days I was out of my garden, in Acadia Park, Me (love it!)
and can not believe everything is growing so fast!

I had no other choice then go freezing!

This is komatsuna and some chard - about 1 lb total
 This is spinach - about 1 lb total

Frozen green will be good in my green smoothy!

I also would like to share
how my kids ate the first 2 strawberries

 how one rainy morning I found 64 slugs!

 how the cabbage is growing (my first real cabbage)

 how greens are big

 how happy I am with beets (and not with carrots)
 how cucumbers in  a green house are getting bigger, while I am still eating borago leaves

and how tomatoes are blooming, can not wait!

Each Monday Daphne’s Dandelions hosts the “Harvest Monday” blog hop. Please visit!