Monday, August 20, 2012

Harvest Monday 8/20/2012

Some squashes and eggplant

the biggest round squash weighs 2.8 lb
I am very happy with my first year of gardening.

See what others have harvested at Daphne's Dandelions.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Harvest Monday and August garden

The garden looks wild and bushy, I was on vacation and spent a lot of time on my works doing big order to Spain.
I am picking tomatoes early before they getting red, the plant are heavy overloaded with them.
 Squashes come ouf of the garden
 Here I am!
 Banana peppers bed
 Basil, Chard and other herbs
 Beats and red cabbage
 Kale and cuces.
 Cherry plum tomatoes.
 Eggplants almost ready.
 Tomatoes jungle


And I do not care!

See what others have harvested at Daphne's Dandelions.